
How Long Before Adding Fish To A Just Cleaned Tank

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Adding new fish to your tank can exist an exciting time, every bit you lot can finally introduce new friends into your underwater surround. But many fish introduced into a tank improperly tin can get sick or die. You must first prepare the tank before calculation them into your tank.[one]

  1. 1

    Wash the gravel, rocks, and ornaments. Once you lot get your new tank and your tank additions, you will demand to wash them in warm water. Do non use whatever soap or detergents to launder the gravel, rocks, or ornaments, merely warm water. This will ensure these items are free of dirt, bacteria, and toxins.[2]

    • You tin can wash the gravel past placing it in a colander. Put the colander over a plastic pan or bucket and add water to the colander with the gravel. Stir the gravel around, drain information technology, and repeat this several times until the water runs clear and clean through the colander.
    • One time these items are clean, you tin add together them to the tank. Make certain the gravel is evenly distributed at the bottom of the tank. Identify the rocks and ornaments in the tank so there are hiding places for your fish to explore.
  2. 2

    Fill the tank one-3rd full with room temperature water. Use a clean saucepan to pour water into the tank. Identify a plate or saucer over the gravel as yous pour in the water then the gravel does not motion around.[iii]

    • Once y'all have filled the tank one-third with room temperature water, you should add water conditioner or dechlorinator to remove the chlorine from your fish. Chlorine in the tank water can be deadly for your fish, and/or atomic number 82 to wellness issues.
    • You may find that the h2o turns cloudy within the kickoff two to 3 days. This is due to leaner growth and should disappear naturally.


  3. 3

    Connect the air pump. You lot should take an air pump in your tank to ensure there is enough oxygen in the tank water. You volition need to connect the airline tubing from the air pump to air outlets in your tank, such as an air stone.[iv]

    • Y'all may want to employ an aquarium check valve, which is a small valve located outside your tank to hold the air tubing. This will allow you lot to so place the air pump underneath your tank or aquarium. The valve likewise acts as a end and prevents water from bankroll up in your tank if somehow the power to the tank is switched off.
  4. 4

    Add live or plastic plants. Alive plants are good for circulating oxygen in the tank water, just you can as well add plastic plants to create hiding places for your fish. You tin can too use the plants to hide whatsoever equipment in the tank that y'all want to disguise for artful purposes.[five]

    • Proceed the live plants moist until they are going to be planted by wrapping them in wet newspaper. Plant the roots below the surface of the gravel, with the crown of the plant exposed. You tin likewise use an aquatic plant fertilizer to make sure your live plants grow well.
  5. 5

    Bicycle the water in the tank with a cycling kit. Cycling the tank water will help to balance out the ammonia and nitrites produced past the fish and innovate bacteria that will swallow these harmful chemicals. You volition need to bike the tank water for four to half dozen weeks and then the tank can maintain a salubrious biological and chemical balance. Doing this before adding the fish can help to ensure your new fish stay happy and healthy in their new environment. You can find cycling kits for aquariums at your local pet shop or online.[half dozen]

    • When yous showtime bicycle the tank from scratch, yous will find a buildup of ammonia around the second or third week. Then, there volition be a build of nitrites when the ammonia levels drop to zero. At around calendar week half dozen of cycling, the ammonia and nitrites volition drop to aught and you will notice a buildup of nitrate. Nitrate is less toxic than ammonia and nitrite. Y'all can control the level of nitrate with proper, regular maintenance of the tank h2o.
    • If you use the cycling kit and detect in that location is still a positive reading for ammonia or nitrites, your tank is nonetheless cycling and will need more fourth dimension to bike before you lot add the fish. A salubrious tank should never evidence a positive reading for either chemic.
  6. half-dozen

    Exam the water quality. One time the tank has been cycled properly, you should as well test the water quality of the tank. You can use a water test kit from a pet shop or online.

    • The tank water should have a zip reading for chlorine and the pH of the water should friction match or be equally close as possible to the fish shop where your new fish is coming from.


  1. 1

    Send the fish in a plastic bag from the shop. Near pet stores put fish in a clear plastic handbag filled with water. Brand sure you lot continue the fish in a night place as y'all ship him home from the shop.[7]

    • Try to go him domicile right away as he will demand to be introduced to the tank soon afterward beingness placed in the plastic bag. This will reduce his levels of stress and help him acclimate faster to the tank water. Your fish may lose a little coloring during the trip habitation only don't worry, this is normal and your fish should recover his coloring once he is in his tank.
  2. ii

    Turn off the lights in the aquarium. Dim or turn off whatever lights in the aquarium earlier you add your new fish, equally this volition create a less stressful environment for the fish. Yous should also make sure your tank has enough of plants and rocks every bit hiding places for your new fish. These will aid him feel less stressed out as he gets used to his new home.

  3. 3

    Add more than one fish at a time. Adding more than one fish at a time will ensure your existing fish can get used to the new additions. It too prevents one fish from getting harassed by the other fish, as the existing fish volition accept multiple new friends to bond with. Introduce new fish in small batches of ii-4 so y'all do non overwhelm the tank.[8]

    • Ever cull fish from the store that appear salubrious and disease gratis. Y'all should likewise carefully monitor your new inflow for the first several weeks to ensure there are no signs of illness or stress.
    • Some aquarium owners volition place their new fish in quarantine for two weeks to ensure he does not have whatever diseases or infections. If you have the luxury of fourth dimension and admission to another clean tank yous can use equally your quarantine tank, you tin can try this selection. If you notice the fish gets sick in the quarantine tank, you lot tin treat him without affecting the other fish or the chemistry of the new tank.
  4. iv

    Identify the unopened plastic handbag in the tank for 15-30 minutes. [9] Let the unopened plastic bag with the fish float on the surface of the aquarium. This will give the fish time to get used to the temperature of the tank water.[ten]

    • After 15-30 minutes, open up the pocketbook and use a clean cup to scoop an equal amount of water from the tank into the plastic bag. At that place should be twice equally much water in the bag, 50% tank h2o and l% pet store h2o. Make sure you do not mix the water from the purse into the tank water as this could contaminate the tank h2o.[xi]
    • Let the bag to float in the tank for another fifteen-xx minutes. You lot can seal the edge of the bag to keep in from spilling out.
  5. 5

    Net the fish out of the bag and place him in the tank. Afterward fifteen-20 minutes, release the fish into the tank. Do this by netting the fish in the purse and gently placing them into the water of the aquarium.[12]

    • You should monitor the fish for any signs of disease or disease. If there are already other fish in the tank, you lot should make certain they are not harassing or bothering the new add-on. With time and proper maintenance of the tank, all the fish should co-exist happily.


  1. 1

    Gear up a quarantine tank. Quarantining your new fish will ensure they are healthy and volition not introduce disease or illness into your existing tank. The quarantine tank should be at least 5 to 10 gallons, with a sponge filter that has been in a tank with fish. This volition ensure the filter contains skillful bacteria to populate the tank. The tank should besides have a heater, an aquarium low-cal, and a encompass.[13] [14]

    • If you are an gorging aquarium owner, you may already accept a quarantine tank prepare up. You should keep the quarantine tank clean and prepare information technology before you buy new fish for your regular tank.
  2. 2

    Identify the new fish in the quarantine tank for two to three weeks. Once you get your quarantine tank set, you tin innovate your new fish to the tank through acclimatization.[xv]

    • Outset by placing the unopened plastic bag in the tank for fifteen-20 minutes. This will give the fish fourth dimension to start getting used to the water in the quarantine tank.
    • Afterward 15-20 minutes, open the bag and use a clean cup to scoop an equal corporeality of water from the tank into the plastic bag. At that place should be 50% tank h2o and 50% pet store water in the bag. Avoid mixing water from the handbag with the tank water as this could contaminate the tank water.
    • Permit the bag to float in the tank for some other xv-20 minutes. You can shut the edge of the pocketbook to go along in from spilling out. After 15-20 minutes, utilise a net to gently scoop out the fish and place them in the quarantine tank.
    • You should observe the fish every day in the quarantine tank to ensure they are not carrying any affliction or parasites. After two to 3 weeks in the quarantine tank with no issues, the fish is prepare to be introduced to the main tank.
  3. 3

    Exercise a 25 to 30 pct h2o change. Doing a h2o change will let your new fish to get used to the nitrates in the water and avoid stressing out your new fish. This is an particularly of import step if you do not practise regular water changes of your chief tank water.[sixteen]

    • To do a 25 to 30 percent water change, remove 25 to xxx percent of the tank water and replace it with dechlorinated water. Then, cycle through the water several times with your filter to ensure the nitrate balance in the tank h2o is correct.
  4. 4

    Feed any fish in the main tank. If y'all already have fish in your tank and are introducing a new fish to the tank, you should make sure you feed the fish first. This will make the fish in the tank less ambitious towards the new improver.

  5. 5

    Rearrange the accessories in the tank. Move around any rocks, plants, and hiding places in the tank to new spots. Rearranging the accessories before you lot introduce the new fish will distract the existing fish and remove whatsoever established territories that have been marked in the tank. This will ensure your new fish enter the tank on equal grounds and are not isolated from the other fish.[17]

  6. 6

    Acclimatize the new fish to the main tank water. One time your new fish have been properly quarantined, you should repeat the aforementioned acclimatization process you did with the quarantine tank for the main tank water. This will assistance the fish get used to the primary tank water and ease into their new surround.[xviii]

    • Place the fish in a bowl or handbag filled with the quarantine tank water. Allow the bag or bowl sit on the surface of the principal tank water for fifteen-20 minutes. Then, use a clean cup to scoop some of the master tank water into the pocketbook or bowl. There should be fifty% main tank water and fifty% quarantine tank h2o in the purse.
  7. 7

    Introduce the new fish into the primary tank. Allow your fish sit in the bag or bowl of water for another 15-20 minutes. Then, employ a net to gently scoop the fish out of the purse or bowl and place him in the main tank.[19]

    • Monitor the new fish over the next few weeks to ensure he is getting along with his tank mates and is non displaying any signs of illness or affliction.


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  • Question

    Can you add together fish to a new tank right away?

    Craig Morton

    Craig Morton
    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Physician Inc.

    Craig Morton is the CEO of Aquarium Doc Inc. based in Huntington Beach California and servicing Orange County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire. With over 30 years of aquarium feel, Craig specializes in creating custom aquarium designs along with aquarium installation, service, and maintenance.

    Craig Morton

    Aquarium Specialist, Aquarium Doctor Inc.

    Expert Reply

  • Question

    What temperature is good for tropical fish?

    Community Answer

    75-80 degrees is the recommended temperature for virtually tropical fish.

  • Question

    How before long should I feed my new betta?

    Community Answer

    Give him at least 12 hours later on getting him, then you can start feeding him. Make sure you have the right food and you aren't giving him too much.

  • Question

    Why did my new silver oscars plough from reddish to white?

    Community Answer

    Information technology could be ammonia burn. Check your tanks ammonia levels at a fish supply store or with a DIY kit. You can always try quarantining the fish, or ask a vet.

  • Question

    Can I add plants and rocks after I've already put fish in?

    Community Answer

    Yes, do a little enquiry on disinfecting the items start and then you lot don't contaminate the environment.

  • Question

    I bought a new tank for my betta fish that is one-half a gallon larger. Why won't he go into the plants like he used to?

    Community Answer

    All bettas accept an organ called the labyrinth, which means different other fish, they jiff air. They as well build their bubble nests at the surface. Yous will often see them taking gulps of air from the surface. They like hiding under floating leaves on or near the surface, not hanging around tank plants unless those plants touch the surface. They are not active swimmers, preferring to move slowly from hither to there, and side to side; they are non an up and down sort of fish, and do not bask deep tanks. You neglected to say if yous had an air supply to the new tank -- many bettas are put off by air/bubbles/filtration that causes a lot of agitation of the surface water, which could likewise explain the upshot.

  • Question

    What is a skilful temperature for goldfish and angel fish?

    Community Answer

    Goldfish like 55-65 degrees and angles like 72-fourscore degrees. They cannot be kept together.

  • Question

    What type of water I should use for a fish tank?

    Community Answer

    You lot can use tap water - only make sure you have added a water conditioner to the water before you add the fish.

  • Question

    Does information technology thing if your pump is straight upwardly and down or tin y'all lean it to the left or right to make more than bubbles in the tank

    Community Answer

    Yep, it matters. You should place the bubble pipe in such a manner that the bubbling ascension from bottom to pinnacle of the tank.

  • Question

    My kids put a Kool aid in my 15 gallon fish tank. I have to start my tank all over again. How long should I wait to put my fish dorsum in the tank?

    Community Answer

    You should bicycle the tank for at least 2-four weeks, test it to brand certain information technology has no nitrite or ammonia in it, and then follow the steps for introducing new fish into the tank.

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Article Summary X

To add fish to a new tank, begin by turning off the lights in the aquarium to create a at-home environment for the fish. Side by side, scoop some of the tank water into the bag with the fish in it. And then, permit the bag float in the tank for a few minutes to give the fish fourth dimension to get used to the new tank temperature. Afterward xx minutes, net each fish to remove it from the bag and transfer it into the tank. For tips from our Veterinary reviewer on adding fish to an existing tank with other fish, read on!

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