
What Are The Benefits Of Cleaning Something To A Level Of Cleanliness Beyond What Is Required?

Learning Objectives

  • Compare disinfectants, antiseptics, and sterilants
  • Describe the principles of decision-making the presence of microorganisms through sterilization and disinfection

To prevent the spread of human disease, information technology is necessary to command the growth and abundance of microbes in or on various items often used by humans. Inanimate items, such as doorknobs, toys, or towels, which may harbor microbes and aid in affliction transmission, are called fomites. Ii factors heavily influence the level of cleanliness required for a particular fomite and, hence, the protocol chosen to attain this level. The first factor is the application for which the item will be used. For example, invasive applications that require insertion into the homo body crave a much higher level of cleanliness than applications that exercise not. The second factor is the level of resistance to antimicrobial treatment by potential pathogens. For case, foods preserved by canning oftentimes go contaminated with the bacterium Clostridium botulinum , which produces the neurotoxin that causes botulism. Because C. botulinum can produce endospores that tin survive harsh conditions, extreme temperatures and pressures must exist used to eliminate the endospores. Other organisms may not require such farthermost measures and tin can be controlled by a process such as washing clothes in a laundry machine.

Laboratory Biological Safe Levels

For researchers or laboratory personnel working with pathogens, the risks associated with specific pathogens determine the levels of cleanliness and control required. The Centers for Disease Command and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have established 4 classification levels, called "biological condom levels" (BSLs). The BSLs are summarized in Table 1.  Each level requires a progressively greater level of precaution.

Table 1. Biosafety Levels
Level Description Examples CDC Classification
BSL-4 Microbes are dangerous and exotic, posing a high risk of aerosol-transmitted infections, which are frequently fatal without handling or vaccines. Few labs at this level. Ebola and Marburg viruses

Risk factor pyramid. BSL-1 is classified as a low-risk microbes. BSL-2 and BSL-3 are on a scale up to BSL-4, which are classified as high-risk microbes.

(credit "pyramid": modification of work by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

BSL-3 Microbes are indigenous or exotic and cause serious or potentially lethal diseases through respiratory manual. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
BSL-two Microbes are typically indigenous and are associated with diseases of varying severity. They pose moderate take a chance to workers and the environment. Staphylococcus aureus
BSL-1 Microbes are non knows to cause disease in good for you hosts and pose minimal risk to workers and environment. Nonpathogenic strains of Escherichia coli


The nearly extreme protocols for microbial command aim to achieve sterilization: the complete removal or killing of all vegetative cells, endospores, and viruses from the targeted item or surroundings. Sterilization protocols are more often than not reserved for laboratory, medical, manufacturing, and food industry settings, where it may be imperative for sure items to be completely gratuitous of potentially infectious agents. Sterilization can be accomplished through either physical ways, such as exposure to high heat, force per unit area, or filtration through an appropriate filter, or by chemical means. Chemicals that can exist used to attain sterilization are called sterilant south. Sterilants effectively kill all microbes and viruses, and, with appropriate exposure fourth dimension, can also kill endospores.

For many clinical purposes, aseptic technique is necessary to prevent contamination of sterile surfaces. Aseptic technique involves a combination of protocols that collectively maintain sterility, or asepsis, thus preventing contamination of the patient with microbes and infectious agents. Failure to practice aseptic technique during many types of clinical procedures may innovate microbes to the patient's body and put the patient at take chances for sepsis, a systemic inflammatory response to an infection that results in loftier fever, increased heart and respiratory rates, shock, and, possibly, death.

1 food sterilization protocol, commercial sterilization, uses heat at a temperature low enough to preserve food quality but high enough to destroy mutual pathogens responsible for food poisoning, such equally C. botulinum. Because C. botulinum and its endospores are ordinarily constitute in soil, they may easily contaminate crops during harvesting, and these endospores tin can subsequently germinate within the anaerobic surroundings in one case foods are canned. Metallic cans of nutrient contaminated with C. botulinum will burl due to the microbe's product of gases; contaminated jars of food typically bulge at the metal lid. To eliminate the take chances for C. botulinum contamination, commercial food-canning protocols assume an impossibly large population of endospores (1012 per can) and aim to reduce this population to i endospore per can to ensure the safety of canned foods. For example, low- and medium-acrid foods are heated to 121 °C for a minimum of 2.52 minutes, which is the fourth dimension it would take to reduce a population of 1012 endospores per can down to 1 endospore at this temperature. Even so, commercial sterilization does non eliminate the presence of all microbes; rather, it targets those pathogens that crusade spoilage and foodborne diseases, while allowing many nonpathogenic organisms to survive.

Think About It

  • What is the departure between sterilization and aseptic technique?

Other Methods of Control

Sterilization protocols require procedures that are not practical, or necessary, in many settings. Various other methods are used in clinical and nonclinical settings to reduce the microbial load on items. Although the terms for these methods are frequently used interchangeably, there are important distinctions.

The process of disinfection inactivates near microbes on the surface of a fomite by using antimicrobial chemicals or rut. Considering some microbes remain, the disinfected item is not considered sterile. Ideally, disinfectantsouth should exist fast acting, stable, easy to set up, cheap, and easy to use. An example of a natural disinfectant is vinegar; its acerbity kills virtually microbes. Chemical disinfectants, such as chlorine bleach or products containing chlorine, are used to make clean nonliving surfaces such as laboratory benches, clinical surfaces, and bathroom sinks. Typical disinfection does not atomic number 82 to sterilization considering endospores tend to survive even when all vegetative cells have been killed.

Unlike disinfectants, clarifieds are antimicrobial chemicals rubber for use on living skin or tissues. Examples of antiseptics include hydrogen peroxide and isopropyl alcohol.  In improver to the characteristics of a good disinfectant, antiseptics must also be selectively effective against microorganisms and able to penetrate tissue deeply without causing tissue damage.

The term sanitization refers to the cleansing of fomites to remove plenty microbes to achieve levels deemed safety for public health. For example, commercial dishwashers used in the food service manufacture typically utilize very hot water and air for washing and drying; the high temperatures kill most microbes, sanitizing the dishes. Surfaces in infirmary rooms are commonly sanitized using a chemic disinfectant to prevent affliction transmission betwixt patients. Tabular array two summarizes common protocols, definitions, applications, and agents used to control microbial growth.

Table 2. Common Protocols for Command of Microbial Growth: Use on Fomites
Protocol Definition Common Application Common Agents
Disinfection Reduces or destroys microbial load of an inanimate item through awarding of oestrus or antimicrobial chemicals Cleaning surfaces similar laboratory benches, clinical surfaces, and bathrooms Chlorine bleach, phenols (e.g., Lysol), glutaraldehyde
Sanitization Reduces microbial load of an inanimate particular to safe public health levels through application of heat or antimicrobial chemicals Commercial dishwashing of eating utensils, cleaning public restrooms Detergents containing phosphates (e.thou., Finish), industrial-strength cleaners containing 4th ammonium compounds
Sterilziation Completely eliminates all vegetative cells, endospores, and viruses from an inanimate item Preparation of surgical equipment and of needles used for injection Pressurized steam (autoclave), chemicals, radiation
For Use on Living Tissue
Protocol Definition Common Awarding Common Agents
Antisepsis Reduces microbial load on skin or tissue through application of an antimicrobial chemical Cleaning skin broken due to injury; cleaning skin before surgery Boric acid, isopropyl booze, hydrogen peroxide, iodine (betadine)

Think About It

  • What is the difference between a disinfectant and an antiseptic?
  • Which is most effective at removing microbes from a production: sanitization or sterilization? Explicate.

Measuring Microbial Control

Physical and chemical methods of microbial control that kill the targeted microorganism are identified by the suffix -cide (or -cidal). The prefix indicates the blazon of microbe or infectious agent killed by the treatment method: bactericide s kill bacteria, viricide southward kill or inactivate viruses, and fungicide s kill fungi. Other methods do not kill organisms but, instead, stop their growth, making their population static; such methods are identified by the suffix -stat (or -static). For example, bacteriostatic treatments inhibit the growth of bacteria, whereas fungistatic treatments inhibit the growth of fungi. Factors that determine whether a particular treatment is -cidal or -static include the types of microorganisms targeted, the concentration of the chemic used, and the nature of the treatment applied.

Although -static treatments do not really kill infectious agents, they are often less toxic to humans and other animals, and may likewise ameliorate preserve the integrity of the detail treated. Such treatments are typically sufficient to keep the microbial population of an particular in check. The reduced toxicity of some of these -static chemicals also allows them to be impregnated safely into plastics to forestall the growth of microbes on these surfaces. Such plastics are used in products such every bit toys for children and cutting boards for food preparation. When used to treat an infection, -static treatments are typically sufficient in an otherwise healthy private, preventing the pathogen from multiplying, thus allowing the individual's immune system to clear the infection.

Think About It

  • What are two possible reasons for choosing a bacteriostatic treatment over a bactericidal one?
  • Proper name at to the lowest degree ii factors that can compromise the effectiveness of a disinfecting agent.

Central Concepts and Summary

  • Inanimate items that may harbor microbes and aid in their manual are called fomites. The level of cleanliness required for a fomite depends both on the item's use and the infectious agent with which the detail may be contaminated.
  • The CDC and the NIH have established 4 biological rubber levels (BSLs) for laboratories performing research on infectious agents. Each level is designed to protect laboratory personnel and the community. These BSLs are determined by the amanuensis's infectivity, ease of transmission, and potential disease severity, too as the type of piece of work being performed with the agent.
  • Disinfection removes potential pathogens from a fomite, whereas antisepsis uses antimicrobial chemicals that practice non damage tissues; in both cases, microbial load is reduced, only microbes may remain unless the chemical used is potent plenty to be a sterilant.
  • Medical procedures with a run a risk for contamination should be carried out in a sterile field maintained past proper aseptic technique to prevent sepsis.
  • Sterilization is necessary for some medical applications too every bit in the food manufacture, where endospores of Clostridium botulinum are killed through commercial sterilization protocols.
  • Physical or chemical methods to control microbial growth that result in expiry of the microbe are indicated by the suffixes -cide or -cidal (e.g., as with bactericides, viricides, and fungicides), whereas those that inhibit microbial growth are indicated by the suffixes -stat or-static (due east.g., bacteriostatic, fungistatic).

Multiple Choice

Which of the following types of medical items requires sterilization?

  1. needles
  2. bed linens
  3. respiratory masks
  4. blood pressure level cuffs

a. Needles require sterilization.

Which of the post-obit is suitable for use on tissues for microbial control to preclude infection?

  1. disinfectant
  2. clarified
  3. sterilant
  4. water

b. Antiseptic is suitable for use on tissues for microbial control to prevent infection.

Which biosafety level is appropriate for enquiry with microbes or infectious agents that pose moderate risk to laboratory workers and the community, and are typically indigenous?

  1. BSL-1
  2. BSL-ii
  3. BSL-three
  4. BSL-4

b. BSL-2 is advisable for inquiry with microbes or infectious agents that pose moderate risk to laboratory workers and the customs, and are typically indigenous.

Which of the following all-time describes a microbial control protocol that inhibits the growth of molds and yeast?

  1. bacteriostatic
  2. fungicidal
  3. bactericidal
  4. fungistatic

d. A microbial control protocol that inhibits the growth of molds and yeast is fungistatic.

Recall About Information technology

  1. What are some factors that alter the effectiveness of a disinfectant?
  2. What are the benefits of cleaning something to a level of cleanliness beyond what is required? What are some possible disadvantages of doing so?


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