
How To Get Youtube App On Windows 8

Microsoft's Windows viii operating system fundamentally changed a lot about Windows. Take watching YouTube videos as an example of these changes.

It used to be that watching a YouTube video on a Windows PC simply required that you open a web browser. Watching YouTube videos on Windows 8 is still possible this way through Internet Explorer, but there are as well apps in the Windows Store that allow the aforementioned thing. In addition to watching YouTube videos, they as well allow you to download videos and scan the latest clips from the YouTube celebrities you know and have already subscribed to through the YouTube website or through the official YouTube app on your iPhone, iPad or Android device.

21 Windows 8.1 Tips (1)

Here's how to watch YouTube videos on Windows 8 tablets, notebooks and desktop PCs.

As you may have already guessed. For any of these solutions to work, yous'll need a few things. Outset, it's a good idea to create a YouTube account online. Having whatever account means that all of your previously watched videos, video preferences, subscriptions and likes. Those who take an account already just need to input their credentials into these apps. 2d, at to the lowest degree for the initial setup all of these apps will crave that your Windows eight tablet, desktop or notebook has an internet connection.

Yous should also know that what yous come across on your screen may be different from what we have in some of our screenshots. That's considering we're running Windows, the gratuitous update that arrived for Windows 8 back in 2013. If you haven't exercise and so already, it'due south a proficient thought to install it now.

Read: 21 Windows 8.i Tips

Watching YouTube Videos on Windows 8 Using the Spider web Browser

The first way you want to try watching YouTube videos on your Windows 8 device is with Internet Explorer, Microsoft's web browser.

Either versions of Internet Explorer will practise; there are dual versions installed on every Windows PC. How easy getting your YouTube video playing is straight related to what kind of device you accept, sadly.

With Touch

What's referred to equally Modern Internet Explorer is available past tapping or clicking on the Net Explorer tile In your Showtime Screen. If it's not pinned at that place click or tap on the arrow at the bottom of your screen to find Information technology. Information technology's the same logo as before, in white with a blueish groundwork like it is below.

How to Watch YouTube Videos on Windows 8 Tablets & More (2)

One time you've opened the app, but navigate to YouTube by borer or click on the accost bar at the bottom of your screen.

How to Watch YouTube Videos on Windows 8 Tablets & More (3)

With Mouse & Keyboard

If you adopt to utilize the Desktop surroundings and the quondam version of Cyberspace Explorer, that'south still something you tin do too. This version of Internet Explorer isn't touch-friendly in the slightest. If you lot're on a Windows 8 notebook or desktop, you'll do fine. If you're on a tablet, you may want to at least connect a mouse to use this version.

Go to the First Screen and look for the Desktop tile. Click on it.

How to Watch YouTube Videos on Windows 8 Tablets & More (4)

Now look for the Cyberspace Explorer icon pinned to the bottom of your screen and enter YouTube into the address bar. In nigh cases there's an Internet Explorer shortcut on your Desktop also.

How to Watch YouTube Videos on Windows 8 Tablets & More (5)

Sentinel YouTube With Apps

Over the last few years we've come to depend on apps more than and more. Most apps do the same thing that web browsers practise, the difference is that they're well-nigh always dedicated to completing a single task, making them much easier to encompass and use on a daily ground.

Like Windows Phone, Windows 8 PCs don't have a dedicated YouTube app. Don't fret though, at that place are more than than a few YouTube apps made by third-political party developers to fill up the void. Yous tin find these apps in Microsoft'southward Windows Store, which is available past tapping or clicking on the shopping handbag icon with the Windows logo.

How to Watch YouTube Videos on Windows 8 Tablets & More (8)

PrimeTube, MetroTube and Tube TV are all very competent YouTube apps, but the best of them all is TubeCast. The bones version of TubeCast is absolutely free and providers many of the same features y'all'd look a native version of YouTube to deliver. In add-on to that, it also supports exporting to other devices like Chromecast and even Apple tree Television. In the basic version of TubeCast how much streaming you lot can do to a set-height box like Apple Television receiver is limited, but yous can follow unlock the app for $2.99 if yous actually need the feature.

How to Watch YouTube Videos on Windows 8 Tablets & More (6)

One time you're inside the app and have decided on what video you'd similar to watch, right click with your mouse or swipe upward from the bottom of your touchscreen to pull upward a list of additional options. These options include preloading, settings and playlist creation.

How to Watch YouTube Videos on Windows 8 Tablets & More (7)

Practiced luck watching YouTube videos on your Windows 8 device.


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